Mile High & Hungry

The number one food Instagram in Colorado... and now a marketing class at DU.

For almost two years, I ran a top food influencer instagram account, @MileHighandHungry. It has been rated the number one food Instagram in Colorado by 303 Magazine, In the first year of operating the page, I handled content creation and client relations, working directly with PR agencies and marketing teams to coordinate paid affiliate marketing campaigns. Since owning the page, it has grown from 26.2k to 38k followers with a substantial increase in monthly revenue to match. 

As the Cultivo team and I got tired of the influencer life, we struck a deal with the Daniels College of Business for students to operate it through a new course that we developed curriculum for. The initial deal was to have the business school operate the page while we collected revenues generated. 

After a year in the agreement, we were approached with an offer to purchase the account from two of the class’ past students. After closing the deal, we notched a 264% return on our initial investment in a little over a year while maintaining a percentage of ownership in the brand. 

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